Our friends and former label mates Kicker, with whom Saloon played countless gigs, have finally gone and got themselves a Soundcloud. Their great singles album is up there already.
Their 'Get Rid of Him / Turning Left' single still is one of my favourite 7"'s, which I still spin on the rare occasions when I can get the wife and kids out of the living room.

Other 'news' I have done a bit of work on the various Happy Robots websites - the full Happy Robots back catalogue is now available from our
Bandcamp, there has been a fair bit of activity on our
Facebook, we have a label
Soundcloud that includes unheard before rarities and we have a new
YouTube (because I lost the password to the old one.) We don't have a Twitter as the last one was compromised by Russian hackers. I can't really be arsed with twitter anyway.